Luscious Pizarella House

The best pizza restaurant in the the city!

About Us

Luscious Pizarella House Restaurant has been
in pizza business for over 15years now and offers, a very unique luxurious
environment for customers in addition to home delivery
services for all pizza orders. Pizza is a delicacy which is the most
sumptuos and popular around the world. There are many pizza restaurants in the city but Luscious
Pizarella House Restaurant is the most classy and the best of all in the city

Our Services

Our Offers

Pizza sizes

large pizza

Medium pizza

Small pizza

Pizza crusts

Cryspy crust

Stuffed crust

Flatbread crust

Pizza toppings

Fried onion topping

Pepperoni topping

Mushroom topping

Pizza Flavors

Make your pizza delicacy order here!

Make an order for your pizza delicacy and it will be delivered to you at your place!

Your order will be processed and your pizza delicacy wii be delivered as fast as possible.

Make sure you have cash-in hand for your delivery.

Incase of any complain, Please contact us as quick as possible.

Regards, pizarella management team

Your Pizza Delicacy Order is as follows:

Name Size Crust Topping Total

Delivery charges will cost Ksh. 100.00

Contact Us


Luscious Pizarella House

Anniversary Towers

First Floor

Nairobi City County

Customer Care

Tel: 020-135-5678

Call: 0733164123


Write us message and we will get back to you